Instruction and Research Help
KL 235
Many of our databases contain the full-text, or entire article, online. In Library OneSearch, clicking on a search result's title will open the item's record. In the record, you will click on the name of the database to take you to the article. From there, you may print it, email it to yourself, or save it, depending on your needs and the database it comes from.
In some of the OU Libraries' subject-specific databases, you can also access articles by clicking on the title - one example is JSTOR:
By clicking on any of the titles above, you can access the full-text PDF version of the article.
However, not all databases provide the full-text versions of articles -- in those cases, look for the Get It link. Clicking on this link will direct you to a copy of the article, either online or in print. Here is an example of the Get It link you might encounter (from Academic SearchComplete):
Clicking on the link will take you to the Get It screen where, if the article is available, you can access it; you may also end up in Library OneSearch where a link will be provided to get to what you need.
For example, here's an article found in the subject-specific database, ERIC, on college students and social media:
Clicking on Get it @ OU Libraries will direct you to a Library OneSearch results page, with two links you can use to view the article online (under the heading View Online):
On other occasions, you'll be directed to Library OneSearch with a link to get a resource via interlibrary loan:
This means we don't have access to the article, but we can always get whatever you need through interlibrary loan.
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