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Research Unbound: A Library Orientation for Transfer, Upper-Division, and Graduate Students

This micro-course, which involves a series of online modules, will help you learn about the University Libraries' resources available to you, and will equip you with the skills you need to be an effective researcher.

Accessing Items

Accessing Books and eBooks

If the item is an electronic book, then clicking on the title or choosing the "Click here for access" link will take you directly to the book:

If what you are looking for is a physical book, make a note of the book's location and call number from the results screen.  The record will also tell you if it is on the shelf ("available") or checked out ("not available"):

Library OneSearch catalog record of Margaret Atwood's novel THE HANDMAID'S TALE

In the example above, the second book is unavailable, but the first one is available and can be found
on the third floor of Kresge Library
at call number PR 9199.3 .A8 H3165 2001

If you don't find a specific book in our library, don't despair! You can use MelCat, a statewide library catalog, to see if any other libraries have the book -- you can request books through MelCat and receive them at the Kresge Library. Books typically take between two days and two weeks to arrive, and can be checked out for three weeks.

If you need any help finding a book, accessing an eBook, or requesting a book through MelCat, don't hesitate to Ask a Librarian for assistance.