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Research Unbound: A Library Orientation for Transfer, Upper-Division, and Graduate Students

This micro-course, which involves a series of online modules, will help you learn about the University Libraries' resources available to you, and will equip you with the skills you need to be an effective researcher.

Assessing Search Results

Quickly Assessing Search Results

Here is an example of the search results you might see if you searched effects "social media" "college students" in Library OneSearch:

 Search results for effects "college students" "social media"

There are over 21,000 results - way too many to ever look through! So, it's important to use the tools available to you to quickly evaluate these results and see if your keywords are on target without having to go through each document.

Although all fields and filters serve their purposes depending on your research needs, some of the most popularly-used will be the resource's item typetitle, publication date, and abstract.