This collection includes medical and basic sciences books, including Harrison's Textbook of Medicine. AccessMedicine also includes images, videos, diagnostic tools, patient education handouts, and drug information.
An art research database covering fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design. With strong international coverage, it offers hundreds of full-text art journals, magazines and books, plus detailed indexing and abstracts and thousands of images.
A full-text database for nursing and allied health journals from 1937 to the present. It includes access to scholarly journal articles, dissertations, magazines, pamphlets, evidence-based care sheets, books, and research instruments.
This database provides indexing and selected full-text coverage on communications, mass media, and related topics, to include health communication, gender and communication, communication theory, and mass media.
This database includes bibliographic records and full text of journals related to criminal justice and criminology. Subjects covered include corrections, prisons, criminal investigations, forensic sciences, investigation, substance abuse, addiction, probation, and parole.
A comprehensive collection for research in economics, to include topics such as accounting, capital markets, econometrics, economic forecasting, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, urban economics and more. EconLit provides bibliographic citations, selected abstracts, and full-text articles in collective works. Coverage is back to 1969.
The authoritative index for education research sources including government reports, journal articles, and conference papers. Covers all education topic areas and is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education.
This database includes bibliographic records and full text of journals related to film and television research. Subjects covered include film & television theory, preservation & restoration, screenwriting, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews.
This full-text database covers literary, scholarly and creative thought. It provides full text, indexing and abstracts for the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities.
IEEE Xplore is a digital library providing full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. It includes full-text access to IEEE journals, magazines, transactions, and annual conference proceedings.
This database includes abstracts and full-text of articles, reviews, and other content from journals and magazines in theater, dance, and the performing arts.
LLBA contains abstracts and indexes to the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences. The database covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
An index of critical materials for scholarship in literature, language, linguistics and folklore. Covers essay collections, dissertations, monographs and peer reviewed/scholarly journals compiled by the Modern Language Association of America.
A comprehensive guide to music periodicals and literature featuring digitized content from 1970 to present. This database contains indexing and abstracts of articles about music, musicians, and the music industry for periodicals, book reviews, obituaries, and more.
Full-text resource covering social issues with a focus on the United States. This series takes a pro-con approach to todays social issues and hot topics in politics, business, education, the environment, medicine, and more. Users can browse by issue to find topic pages that provide curated lists of viewpoint essays presenting each side of a debate, academic articles, news, statistics, and more about that issue.
This database provides indexing and abstracts for journal articles, books, chapters, and dissertations in psychology. Covers the research literature in all areas of psychology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Other subjects such as neuroscience, psychiatry, and physiology are also included.
MEDLINE is the National Library of Medicine's free bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences.
Provides indexing and abstracts for journals dealing with all aspects of the social work field, including theory and practice, areas of service and social issues and problems.
This database provides indexing and abstracts of articles, conference papers, books, dissertations, and conference papers on theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science. Covers sociological aspects of anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, family studies, health, racial interactions, social psychology, social work, and urban studies.
SPORTDiscus offers comprehensive, bibliographic coverage of sport disciplines and subdisciplines, including sports medicine, kinesiology, applied physiology, training, sport techniques, coaching, doping, biomechanics, sport management, economics, history, biography and more.
Provides access to the Arts & Humanities Index (A&HCI), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Science Citation Index (SCI), and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The database can be searched by words in article titles and abstracts, by author, by journal, and to look for cited references.