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Research Unbound: A Library Orientation for Transfer, Upper-Division, and Graduate Students

This micro-course, which involves a series of online modules, will help you learn about the University Libraries' resources available to you, and will equip you with the skills you need to be an effective researcher.


Subject-Specific Databases

You don't have to search each library database to figure out which is the best for your purposes - the librarians have identified which databases are best for different disciplines. Check out the Databases by Subject to access lists of resources focused by discipline.

OU Libraries - Databases by subject webpage, available at

Library OneSearch: Not exactly a database . . .

Throughout our modules so far, we've been using Library OneSearchwhich isn't a focused research database but instead serves as a one-stop access point for most of the content within the libraries. Library OneSearch is a great place to start any search!

Using a few of the keywords brainstormed earlier in the module, or use a sample topic of your own, try out a search using Library OneSearch and compare it to what you found in the research databases. What do you think? Is this content more on-topic, or less on-topic when compared to the information you found in the most useful research database?

Note that since Library OneSearch doesn't pull from EVERYTHING we have at the library, the results you will get from your search may vary (a little or a lot) from the kinds of results you'd expect to get from a subject-specific database. Therefore,  you can see that sometimes it's useful to go to subject- and discipline-specific library databases.

If you need help...

Different databases yield different results. The University Libraries provide access to many subject-specific databases, which give you access to scholarly information by discipline. Each database is slightly different, and it can be overwhelming until you get the hang of them. Whenever you need assistance, librarians are available in person or via chat, email, and phone. They can help you select and use the right resources, assist you in your search process, and help you hone your research skills.

If you're curious to try out these steps independently, check out the Databases by Subject page and practice searching in databases that are focused on different academic disciplines.