Instruction and Research Help
KL 235
If we revisit our initial sample search, there were over 21,000 records -- far too many to look through. If your check of the title, abstract, date, and document type illustrates that your initial results are on target, you may not need to change your terms -- instead, you can use Library OneSearch's features to focus your results.
Most databases have options available to limit your search using facets -- for instance, item type, date, and subject. In Library OneSearch, those limits are found on the left-hand side of the screen:
As you use these limits, you'll see your search results list change. You may also find it useful to apply limits before conducting your search -- in Library OneSearch, and in our databases, you can do this by using an advanced search option. Library OneSearch's advanced search looks like this:
Limiting your results helps you focus in on the most useful results -- from there, you can mine those records for new search directions
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