Instruction and Research Help
KL 235
On any given item's full item record, you will see a set of icons on the right side of the item record page. These icons offer users options for interacting with catalog items, including saving, citing, exporting, and printing them. These icons will be consistent across all records in the Library OneSearch catalog, so feel free to spend some time getting familiar with them.
If you’ve been researching a topic and want to keep the Library OneSearch results you’ve found, there are several options available to you. Review the tabs below to see how to save your search results.
Library OneSearch allows for users to save catalog items to either their Google Drive or their Microsoft OneDrive. Note that you will have to have a pre-existing account with either of these services to use this feature; these accounts may not necessarily be provided or maintained by Oakland University.
Click on the cloud-based storage option of your choice. A new webpage will open, prompting you to log into EBSCO with your associated account (either Google or Microsoft). After logging in, EBSCO may ask you to provide permission for the service to access your files.
After granting access, you will be redirected to the catalog record to receive confirmation that the item has been added to your account's cloud storage.
When reviewing an item you'd like to save to a folder in EBSCO, click on the "Add to folder" icon on the right side of the item's catalog record.
After clicking the icon, a new window will open where you can select the project folder where the item can be added. If you need to create a new project or project folder, you can create one if needed. the page will refresh with updated icons (shown below).
To view all items that you've saved during your browsing session, you can find them in the left-side menu of the Library OneSearch dashboard. Click on the "Projects" tab to view the folder(s) you've created; to see what items are included in each folder, click the individual folder names for a complete listing.
From this page, you will see a list of any saved items that have been added to your folder (in our example, there is only one saved item). You can interact with any saved item (e.g., sharing it, downloading it if available, deleting it from your folder if you no longer need it, etc.).
When reviewing an item you'd like to send or share by email, click on the "email" icon on the right side of the item's catalog record.
Clicking on the "email" icon will open a drop-down menu of options to send a copy of the item record to a user by email. You can select that a citation for the item to be sent, as well as which citation format you'd like it to be sent in. You can also select which additional fields you'd like to be sent alongside the citation and item record.
Enter the email address where you'd like the information to be sent, and then click "Send."
Once the email has been sent, the recipient will receive a message with the bibliographic information about the item, as well as a link to the caalog record and current availability at Kresge Library.
When reviewing an item you'd like to save, click on the "save" icon on the right side of the item's catalog record (red box).
After clicking the "save" icon, users will be prompted to choose their desired options for how the item record will be saved. Following this, the item will include this notation whenever it's searched in the catalog (red box).
To access items you've saved before, navigate to the dashboard at the left side of the catalog. Click on the "Saved" link to review a list of any/all saved material(s). Relevant links and bibliographic information for the article will be included, and you can click on the article's title to be redirected to the item's catalog record.
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