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HOW TO: Using Library OneSearch (Ebsco Discovery Service)

Looking for specific sources for a research project, or to reserve or request library materials? Here's how to get started searching and saving your resources in Library OneSearch.

Help, my link is broken!

Updating your links to items in Library OneSearch

Oakland University Libraries will debut our new discovery service, powered by Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS), on July 5.

Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS) will change the look and function of searching Library OneSearch for physical and electronic materials at Kresge Library, the Educational Resources Lab, and the OUWB Medical Library. While some features and functions may work a bit differently, the new Library OneSearch will provide the same services, including placing holds, initiating renewals online, and reviewing your account history.

For more information about this migration, click here to review this informational guide. To update links to items in Library OneSearch, see below.

From the Library homepage, find the search box in the center. Click the link next to it that says Advanced Search. You’ll see a page that looks like this:

screenshot of Library OneSearch search page, with advanced search button highlighted in red

Take a look at the first line in the block of search options.  The space to the left where it says “any field” is a drop-down menu.  Select “Title” from the list and type in the title of your book or journal.  In the options on the right where it says “Material Type”, select what you’re looking for from the list.  If you have other information you want to include in your search, add it underneath where you listed the title-- in this example, we included the author of the book we’re searching for (and selected "print book" as our item type).

screenshot of Library OneSearch search page, with the search for Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird

Here’s another example, with a journal instead of a book:

screenshot of Library OneSearch with a journal search having been conducted

When you’re ready, click the Search button to get a list of results. Each record lists the title, author, and whether your item is available at Kresge.  If we have multiple versions of something, it will tell you that too -- each listing will display as a separate result, and its item type indicated within the item record.

screenshot of Library OneSearch with multiple results

Click on the version you want to link to, and Library OneSearch will display the item's full catalog record. To get a link to the record, click on the "permalink" icon on the right side of the page:

screenshot of Library OneSearch item catalog record, with specific item details and permalink icon highlighted in red

Click the button! The page will display the permalink and give you the option to copy it to your clipboard. This is the link you can use to directly locate a specific item in the catalog.

screenshot of Library OneSearch catalog item record page, with full permalink noted in red

Need more help? Contact the Research Help Desk.

Library OneSearch in Google Scholar

Google Scholar: Updates to Library OneSearch Links

For students and faculty who frequently use Google Scholar, please be aware of the following change:

The "Get It @ OU Libraries" link available in Google Scholar will redirect users to the new catalog (powered by Ebsco Discovery Services). Any previous links used which redirected users to the previous catalog (powered by Alma) will be rendered inactive, and will need to be replaced by new EDS-powered links. See below for an example.

screenshot of updated EDS/previous ALMA catalog links as displayed in Google Scholar