A data management plan (DMP) is a document stating your data management practices both during and after a specific research project. Many funding agencies (NSF, NIH, NEH, US Army, etc.) require a DMP with new grant applications.
In general, a DMP should include:
Funding agency DMP requirements vary widely so check both the agency website and the Funding Opportunity Announcement before starting to write!
DMPTool: a free, online resource that guides you through writing the necessary sections of a DMP (California Digital Library)
Framework for Creating a Data Management Plan outlines many of the recommended DMP sections including example text for each section. (ICPSR)
DMPTool has a repository of sample DMPs for many funding agencies; however, they haven't been vetted for completeness, quality or adherence to funder guidelines.
Social Sciences: Social and Political Science data (generic DMP created by ICPSR)
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