OU-affiliated individuals and the general public are welcome to access to the collections and services of Archives and Special Collections in the Reading Room.
We will help you explore, find and use the right materials from our collections.
If you cannot visit us, please note that we can only provide limited research services based on staff availability. Collections do not circulate.
To guarantee fast and convenient access, please make an appointment through the online schedule a visit form.
We will do our best to offer appointments for researchers Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm; however, mornings are strongly preferred. Drop-ins cannot be guaranteed service.
The Archives and Special Collections Reading Room is located in Room 105 on the first floor of Kresge Library.
To prepare for your visit, review and sign the Researcher Rules for Use of Archival Materials.
We strive to make our collections as accessible as possible to all. In exchange, researchers are kindly asked to treat our collections carefully, ethically, and responsibly.
You can watch this short video to learn more.
Contact the Archives at (248) 370-2419, or fill in the online form.
OU Libraries | 100 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479 | (248) 370-2471