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Oakland University Libraries: Sequenced Tutorials on eSpace

Landing page for library-centric tutorials that are available on eSpace. Requires institutional login to access.

eSpace Badges

Accessing and Sharing eSpace Badges

When you complete one of the Libraries' micro-courses, you earn a badge you can share with your instructor to demonstrate proof of your knowledge. 

You can share your badge by:

  1. Logging into with your NetID and password
  2. Click on your account icon in the upper-right corner of the page, and select the Profile option from the drop-down menu
    Screenshot of espace landing page, with blue box around profile icon and the profile option
  3. On the Profile page, find the box labeled Badges:
    eSpace profile page with blue box around badges option
  4. Click on the badge you want to share -- this will open up your badge page, which provides details about what the badge is for and when it was earned. Copy and paste the URL at the top of the screen—this is a permanent link that will allow your professor to see your badge details (he or she will not have access to your eSpace content):
  5. Screenshot of badge information page with a box around the URL