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Oakland University Libraries: Sequenced Tutorials on eSpace

Landing page for library-centric tutorials that are available on eSpace. Requires institutional login to access.

Common eSpace Badge Questions

Common issues that students experience with eSpace Badges:

Why can't I access the final assessment to earn the badge?

  • You need to work through all activities in a micro-course to unlock the final assessment 
  • If you're not able to access the final assessment, make sure you have completed all parts (activities, lessons, videos) of the course -- look for a green icon labeled Done green box with check mark and the word Done

How do I get a new badge?

  • Once you earn a badge, it doesn't expire -- the date on which you earned it doesn't change
  • The only way to show a more recent attempt (or a specific date) to your professor is to take a screen shot of your grades on the quiz. These are time/date stamped 
  • To get to this screen, click on the learning assessment in the micro-course -- if you've taken it already, you will see a summary of previous attempts, which includes time / date information 
  • Take a screen shot of this page or print it out to give your professor proof of more recent attempts.
  • You can earn a new badge each year by completing the new course learning assessment -- this will issue you a badge for the current academic year
  • You may be able to access the new learning assessment without reviewing any content -- but you might have to complete activities in the micro-course beforehand -- look for the To Do button, which indicates an activity you need to complete: 

My professor needs me to show them a specific grade -- what do I do?

  • Badges do not display scores but are instead awarded to anyone who has scored at least an 80% on the final learning assessment
  • The only way to show a specific score is to take a screenshot of your gradebook for the course
  • You access the gradebook by clicking on Grades in the top menu of the micro-course and clicking on the learning assessment listed there
  • Once you click on the learning assessment, you'll see a list of your scores -- you can take a screenshot of these scores and share it with your professor