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Remote Access Library Hours


Adding Reviewers

Once your review is created, you can add your team members as reviewers.

  1. Click on Settings from the Covidence review dashboard.
  2. Click on Reviewers.
  3. Click on Invite Another Reviewer.
  4. Enter their First Name and Email Address.
  5. You can add a reviewer with a Corewell / Beaumont email address or a reviewer from another institution.  They don't have to have an Oakland email address.
  6. Reviewers can be added at any stage of your review.
  7. Here are instructions on how to accept the Covidence invitation.
  8. If you don't already have a Covidence account, you will need to create a free account.  Here are the instructions.


Uploading Single PDFs

Before you start, you must have all of the PDFs loaded on your computer.  It makes it easier to have them all in one sub-directory, and have them clearly named.

If you cannot access the full-text PDF of a journal article, contact the Medical Library.  We will obtain a PDF copy for you.

Uploading Bulk PDFs

The bulk PDF Import tool is a feature that enables you to upload all of your full text review PDFs at once.

Before you start, you must have all of the PDFs loaded on your computer.  It makes it easier to have them all in one sub-directory, and have them clearly named.  You will also need to have your references loaded in either EndNote, Zotero, or Mendeley.

If you cannot access the full-text PDF of a journal article, contact the Medical Library.  We will obtain a PDF copy for you.

Exporting References and Data Extraction

Once you have identified the studies that are relevant to your research, you can export the extracted data to Excel.

Help with Covidence

Contact the OUWB Medical Library:

Phone: 248-370-3772

Go to the Covidence Help Page -

Contact Covidence directly at

To check to see if there is a system-wide Covidence problem or to subscribe to their email alerts about their system status, use this page -