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Affordable Course Materials Initiative (ACMI)

OER defined

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research resources released under an open license that permits their free use and repurposing by others, in accordance to their Creative Commons license.  OER include full courses, course materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.

Open Educational Resources are broadly considered to meet the “5Rs Framework,” meaning that users are free to:

  • Retain: Users have the right to make, archive, and "own" copies of the content;
  • Reuse:  Content can be reused in its unaltered form;
  • Revise: Content can be adapted, adjusted, modified or altered;
  • Remix: The original or revised content can be combined with other content to create something new;
  • Redistribute: Copies of the content can be shared with others in its original, revised or remixed form


A picture containing graphical user interface

Description automatically generated
(graphic borrowed from Reed C. Hepler Copyright, OERs, and AI presentation)

Finding OER

To learn more about OER and to find course materials, open textbooks and ancillary materials, view the OU Open Educational Guide

Where to Start

1. Determine the topics for the course you wish to convert
2. Start by searching a few OER search engines - use keywords and sort by type of content desired

3. Review items found using the evaluation guide
4. Review the OER Adoption workflow document

Need more assistance finding content - contact your librarian liaison