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Affordable Course Materials Initiative (ACMI)

ACMI presentations


Teaching with no cost course materials: Realizing the potential for general education - Faculty and students' perspectives
March 18, 2025 12-1pm
KL 242 Nyberg room & online
Sponsored by the ACMI and OUSC
Featuring Dr. Maria Paino, Associate Professor of Sociology, and Marion Brumer, OUSC Vice President.

ACMI stipend awardee Dr. Maria Panio will discuss converting her courses to no-cost course materials and how no and low-cost courses can support general education reform. Marion Brumer is a business major and the lead organizer of a Michigan Course Markings Coalition and will highlight student perspectives and statewide efforts to grow no and low-cost courses. 


SLIDES Rodriguez


Archived presentations:

Stipend Awardee presentations: