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Indigenous People of Oakland County

This guide provides information on the historic presence of indigenous cultures in the Oakland County area, as well as relevant research and resources.

Indigenous People of Oakland County

Text: "Indigenous People of Oakland County, Research and Resources." Decorative image of participants at a Native American cultural festival, wearing traditional clothing.

Photos courtesy of the Oakland University Archives.

Indigenous People of Oakland County

This guide provides information regarding the heritage and cultural history of Indigenous peoples in Oakland County, Michigan; as well as the representation of Indigenous cultures on Oakland University's campus.

Use the left-side navigation to review the options available for research and resources related to these topics.

Please Note: Kresge Library is committed to providing the campus community with accessible, useful, and up-to-date information. While this guide's intention is to serve as a helpful informational resource related to available mental health services, it should not be used a substitute for legal, medical, or psychological advice from a trained professional. Please consult the resources listed here directly regarding all inquiries and/or emergencies, and seek professional medical attention whenever necessary.

Information in this guide is based on a related guide developed by librarians at Washtenaw Community College. Click here to access WCC's content.