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Using ProQuest RefWorks: A Sequenced Tutorial

RefWorks is a citation management tool that allows users to "collect, manage, organize, and cite your research as well as collaborate with friends and colleagues by sharing collections" of resources (RefWorks, 2016).

ProQuest RefWorks: Installing Microsoft Word Plug-In

Using ProQuest RefWorks: Installing RefWorks Microsoft Word Plug-In

You can install a RefWorks plug-in for Microsoft Word to add in line citations and create a bibliography.

1. Log-in to new RefWorks and choose tools.
2. Scroll down to Cite in Microsoft Word. Download the appropriate version.
    If you choose the wrong version the system will instruct you during installation to select the other version
3. Open Microsoft Word. Your plug-in is now available in the tool ribbon.

Printable PDF version of this guide with screenshots

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