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Peer-Reviewed Sources: A Sequenced Tutorial

Explore the peer review process and learn how to identify and locate peer-reviewed articles.

Peer-Reviewed Journals

Peer-Reviewed Journals

How do I tell if a journal is peer-reviewed? Where should I look to check?

Peer-reviewed articles are published in peer reviewed journals.  Some (but not all!) scholarly journals are peer-reviewed: journals that use the process usually have a statement to that effect somewhere.  Physical journals might have it in the front or back matter; online journals might have an “about us”-style information page.  If you’re looking for articles in a database, you will find that some databases indicate whether the periodicals they carry are peer-reviewed.  There is a quick way to check without having to find a journal’s submission details: Ulrich’s Serials Directory tracks details about many publications, including whether they’re peer-reviewed.

Use the search box to look for the name of the journal that published the article you are interested in.

Ulrich's database home page

Find your journal in the results.  If the referee jersey icon appears next to its name, the publication is peer-reviewed.

Ulrich's Web Serials Directory homepage with search box highlighted.

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