Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization that created a set of simple, easy-to-understand copyright licenses. These are legally enforceable licenses that allow creators to mark a work with permission to make a variety of uses, with the aim of expanding the range of things available for others to share, quote, adapt, and build upon.
Creative Commons licenses do two things:
As long as you obey the terms of the license attached to the work, you can use Creative Commons licensed material without fear of accidentally infringing someone’s copyright.
Using a CC license enables for open educational resources to allow for the 5R's
When a creator or copyright holder assigns an open license to their work they are specifying how they want others to reuse it. Open licensing does not replace copyright. Open licenses work with copyright to promote shared use. This changes the copyright from “all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved.” More info
Go to the Creative Commons license chooser website and select the appropriate license. Copy and paste the license into your work.
Microsoft has a CC licenses plug-in that can be downloaded and used to embed CC licenses into Word and PowerPoint documents.
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