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Recognizing Peer-Reviewed Articles

Peer review is a review process that journal editors use to ensure that the articles they publish represent high quality scholarship. This guide highlights the relationship between peer-reviewed or refereed articles, scholarly journals, and periodicals.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Recognizing Peer-Reviewed Articles

Peer-reviewed articles are the highest quality scholarly articles.
The included graphic highlights the relationship between peer-reviewed or refereed articles, scholarly journals, and periodicals. If you cannot view the graphic, please click on this link to a document that breaks down this relationship.

Triangle graphic representing the relationship between peer-reviewed or refereed articles, scholarly journals, and periodicals.

Characteristics of Peer-Reviewed Articles

A peer-reviewed, scholarly article will have the following characteristics:

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Peer review is a review process that journal editors use to ensure that the articles they publish represent high quality scholarship.

  • the authors are scholars
  • the article is long, written in specialized language
  • there is a significant bibliography

For more on peer review: