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Accessing and Sharing eSpace Badges

When you complete an eCourse, you earn a badge you can share with your instructor to demonstrate proof of your knowledge. Follow these steps to share your badge.

eSpace Badges

Accessing and Sharing eSpace Badges

When you complete either the Using and Citing Sources eCourse (also known as the Plagiarism Tutorial), the Copyright and You eCourse, or the Research Unbound eCourse, you earn a badge you can share with your instructor to demonstrate proof of your knowledge. 

To share a badge, follow these steps:

1.  Visit and log in with your NetID and password.

2.  On the right side of the landing page (called the "Dashboard page" in eSpace), you'll see a box labeled Latest Badges. Click on the badge you need to share.

screenshot of eSpace dashboard page, with arrow pointing to the appropriate box on the right side of the webpage.

3.  Clicking on the badge image opens up your badge page, which provides details about what the badge is for and when it was earned. Copy and paste the URL at the top of the screen—this is a permanent link that will allow your professor to see your badge details (he or she will not have access to your espace content).

Screenshot of eSpace dashboard page with appropriate URL circled at the top of the page.