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Transition from RefWorks to Zotero at OU

OUKL's subscription to RefWorks will expire in April 2023. Learn how to use Zotero, our new citation management tool.

Exporting your data from RefWorks


  1. Select a folder in RefWorks or "All References" if you are not using folders. If your citations are organized in folders, we recommend that you export one folder of citations at a time in order to make it easy to recreate your folder structure in Zotero.
  2. Under Share and Export, select Export References.
  3. In the pop-up window, make sure the folder is selected and choose RIS Format.
  4. Click Export.
  5. A file --  typically named export.ris -- will be downloaded to your computer. Feel free to rename the file to match the RefWorks folder, if you intend to repeat the process with multiple folders.
  6. Repeat these steps for additional folders in RefWorks.

Please keep in mind that PDF files and custom fields cannot be exported to migrate to another citation tool. If you want to transfer your notes, they need to be in the "Notes" field.

Importing your data into Zotero


If you are new to Zotero, be sure to first register an account online and download Zotero to your computer. Once you have Zotero on your computer and have logged into it with your account, you are ready to import citations:

  1. In Zotero, go to File > Import and choose to import "A File."
  2. Select the RIS file format.
  3. Locate and select the file you just created in exporting from RefWorks.
  4. In the importing options, select to place imported collections and items into new collection, so that Zotero imports the citations in a folder automatically named the same as the file name.
  5. Select to copy files to the Zotero storage folder.
  6. Click Next to let Zotero import the citations and click Finish when the process is completed.
  7. Repeat these steps for additional downloaded files from RefWorks.