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Medical Image Resources

Copyright & Images

When using images, it is your responsibility to use them according to copyright law and to observe the rights of the image's copyright holder.

Read the copyright statement or usage policy on each site before reusing any images.

Not all resources in this guide are copyright-free or in the public domain. However, many of these resources permit users to download the images for non-commercial purposes (such as lectures) as long as the source of the image is included. You may be required to ask permission, and possibly pay a fee, before using some images for publications or presentations.

When Can You Use An Image?

You can use an image when:

  1. You own the copyright --
    --You created the image yourself; OR
    --You got permission from the person who created the image; OR
    --You purchased the rights to use the image.
  2. It falls under Fair Use, which means --
    --You are using it to teach, analyze or parody;
    --You are publishing it for the public good; AND
    --You are using the image sparingly; AND
    --You are not profiting from it.
  3. It has a Creative Commons License --
    --Creative Commons requires you to give attribution to the creator of the image; AND
    --To abide by the license agreement of the creator.
  4. It's in the Public Domain --
    --Public domain images were created prior to 1927 (the "magic year" in 2022); OR
    --Created by someone who has relinquished their copyright protection; OR
    --Was created by someone who has been dead for 70+ years.
    --All work created by the U.S. federal government is in the public domain.

Based on the image -

How To Cite Images

Remember to cite the image or illustration when using them for presentations, papers or class assignments. 

You will need;

  • Title or description of the image
  • Author, artist, photographer, or creator
  • Publisher or sponsor
  • Website title
  • URL
  • Date the image was published on the web
  • Date you accessed the image

TIP - If you do not know the author of an image, start with the title of the image. If the image does not have a title, provide a brief description of the image.


1. Author Initial. Title.; Year Published. Available at: https://Website URL. Accessed [Date].


1. OUWB. Clock Tower.; 2022. Available at: Accessed October 27, 2022.

OUWB. Clock Tower.; 2022.
Available at:
Accessed October 27, 2022.