**For a published article, please check SHERPA/RoMEO database for publisher posting permissions or the publisher's website.**
If you are ready to deposit into an established collection and understand the copyright restrictions related to your publication, or your article was published as open-access publication, follow these steps
If you are not sure if you can submit your work into an OUR@Oakland collection, contact the OUR@Oakland administrator by emailing OUR@oakland.edu.
All Academic Schools and Support Units have communities already created and ready to accept submissions.
Some possible collections that can be placed in these communities are department newsletters, group meeting minutes, school constitutions, reports, initiative documents, and other publications.
To submit to a community you first need to request permission from OUR@Oakland administrators. Email our@Oakland.edu with your request.
The Oakland University Archives is managed by the OU Libraries Archives and Special Collections unit.
The OU Archives collect, organize, preserve, and make accessible the significant records that chronicle the university’s history, as well as original materials on Oakland County history, Civil War history, women’s studies, and other fields related to Oakland University's research and educational endeavors.
Please contact the University Archives Office for questions on submission.
OU Libraries | 100 Library Drive, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479 | (248) 370-2471