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EndNote Citation Manager

What is EndNote and Where Can I Find It

EndNote and EndNote Online

EndNote is a multi-platform software tool that helps you manage the process of writing and preparing research papers. You can be much more focused on the actual writing of the paper if you let EndNote do the heavy lifting for you. EndNote will manage PDF and other research files, automatically compiling key information from your files for easy reference and citation building. EndNote has both a desktop and online component. When used on the desktop, it may be called “EndNote desktop” or “EndNote on the desktop.” When used online, it may be called “EndNote online.  View the differences in EndNote versions.


EndNote 20 Desktop

EndNote Desktop is a complete reference management solution with an unlimited number of references and unlimited number of attachments. EndNote Desktop can be accessed through the Medical Library by using one of the iMacs available in the Medical Library Collaborative Study or by checking out our EndNote Desktop macbook.  You can learn more in EndNote 20 Guides or sign up for free EndNote 20 Essentials training.


EndNote Online

EndNote Online is a more limited reference management solution that is only available online. EndNote basic users can create an online library with a maximum of 50,000 references and up to 2GB of attachments.

There are two versions of EndNote .

  • The free version of EndNote basic has 21 styles and a limited number of filters and connection files. This version is available to anybody, with no other purchase required.
  • The version of EndNote basic available as part of the Web of Science has thousands of styles and hundreds of filters and connection files. This version is accessible by OU through the Web of Science

To create a free account:  Select Register in the upper right corner, and complete the registration process.
After creating an account, you can go to Web of Science and select Products in the upper right, then select EndNote to access your account. Or you can go to to login.
Two advantages of the EndNote Online access through Web of Science are:
It offers hundreds of more citation style options than the EndNote Online that is freely available to anyone.
Our Find It at OU for Full Text button automatically shows up next to your stored citations, so you can easily link to access full text (instead of downloading PDFs and storing them).
The Quick Reference Guide (PDF) contains a good introduction to using EndNote Online

For more information, see the EndNote Online Guides

How to Use EndNote

For a quick primer on how to use the basics of EndNote on your Mac computer, check out this video that will guide you through the steps you need to take. If you need instructions for a PC, use this link instead. 

EndNote Essentials

EndNote has a lot of hidden features that aren't apparent at first glance. Check out this list of what you can do with EndNote.

  • Endnote Microsoft Word Plugin - All versions of EndNote have a Cite While You Write plugin, the EndNote add-in for Microsoft Word.  You can instantly insert references and format in-text citations and bibliographies while writing your research papers EndNote Cite while you write plugin.
  • EndNote PDF Tool - EndNote has a feature that allows you search online for PDFs of articles in your citation list. You can find details about this feature here
  • What to do when an article has no "Export Citation" feature - We have created a short video detailing steps you can take when there is no Export feature on a journal page, which can be found here
  • EndNote Duplicate Check - If you're pulling in lots of citations from various sources, chances are good you will have duplicate articles. EndNote can filter out duplicates and allow you to remove any extras, or pick and choose what you'd like to delete. You can find details about EndNote's Duplicate Check here