The resources listed below are all useful in some way for researching companies. You can expect to find company histories, lists of subsidiaries, detailed reports, financial statements, and much more in these resources.
The following resources contain relevant information on US and/or International industries. Many of these resources contain downloadable reports.
The following resources provide journal and trade publication articles related to business and its many facets (accounting, marketing, management, finance, etc.). Most articles are available as full text.
Below are some resources for researching how to do business in different countries. You'll find information about the countries' basic demographics, culture, customs, and business etiquette.
The following resources contain reports on various countries. These reports serve as great starting points for your research since they contain a lot of background information on a particular country.
The resources listed here will give you insight into how the culture or etiquette practices in a particular country can affect how business is conducted in that country.
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