Standards published by U.S. government and military organizations (the development of which is supported by taxpayers) are often freely available online.
FDA recognized consensus standards
As part of its role in the regulation of medical devices, the FDA approves industry standards for use in medical device design, development and manufacture ("voluntary consensus standards"). The consensus standard database allows users to search for such standards by keyword or by the issuing SDO.
DOD ASSIST QuickSearch
The Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System (ASSIST) database identifies approved defense and federal standardization documents, adopted non-government standards (NGS), and U.S. ratified materiel International Standardization Agreements (ISAs). Registration is not required for use of QuickSearch.
Defense Standardization Program (DSP)
The publicly-available collections include access to unclassified science & technical (S&T) reports and standards.
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
OSHA regulates workplace safety and health in general industrial, construction, agricultural, and maritime settings.
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