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Evaluating Information: A Sequenced Tutorial

This tutorial explores how to evaluate information according to several important criteria, including currency, relevance, authority, authority, accuracy, appropriateness, and purpose.


Evaluating Information: Currency

Clipart image of a wristwatchQuestions to ask about CURRENCY:

How timely is the information?
When was the information first published?
Has it been updated or revised?



Library OneSearch:
Look for publication dates within each of the search results.  You can open individual results by clicking on the title.

Screenshot of article catalog record with relevant information noted in red

Don't forget that you can use the tools within Library OneSearch to limit your results by publication date!

Screenshot of Library OneSearch catalog record with relevant information noted in red

The publication dates of each article should be prominently featured in the result summaries.  Remember that most databases allow you to narrow your search results by date!

Screenshot of Library OneSearch catalog record with relevant information noted in red

Finding publication dates within articles can vary, but they are very often listed in multiple places.

Screenshot of ProQuest database catalog record with relevant information noted in red


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Evaluating Information Overview