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Capstone History Papers on Oakland University History

Women's History


OU as a female-friendly campus in the 1960s-1970s; OU policies against gender discrimination; accommodation of women students’ needs; the women’s rights movement on campus.

Selected sources:
  Vertical File:

  • Folder “Equal opportunity policy”: From sex  to gender. Report on discrimination against sexual orientation (part of move to include sexual orientation in policy).
  • Folder Faculty: Article " 7 women are stars on OU faculty,” 1960.
  • Folder "Gender and sexuality center." 1974, formation of student group “Gay Liberation.”
  • Folder "Women's  Center." Opened in fall 1975. Includes reports for late 1970s and "a general schema of the curriculum, 1970 - the female situation".
  • Folder "Women's Center Advisory Board." Includes some examples of activities.
  • Folder "Women's Center - old ,"  includes newsletter for June 1975 and other dates.  Minutes of staff meeting 1975.  Topics for women's forum, 1973. A Commission on the Status of Women found under-representation on campus. Series of posters announcing events. History of the women's Center.
  • Folder "Women faculty, status of." Report on the status of faculty women at OU, 1978. Found under-representation at the full professor level.  Comparison with 1970 report.
  • Folder "Women's rights ad hoc committee," 1970.   Student demands for sexual equality.
  • Folder "Women's liberation." A child day care center at OU in 1970.
  • Folder "Women's studies."  Documents on the creation of the program, 1978.  Also on the  Women's Center.
  • Box 5, Folder “Continuum Center for Women.” Established 1965 "to assist women in finding a more creative and satisfying place in the contemporary home and community." (Continuing Ed).  Report on 2nd conference for women.

O’Dowd Papers (Provost):

  • Box 18, Folder “Women’s Rights Committee”
  • Box 6, Folder "MSUO Reports." Newspaper clippings from the 1960s highlighting female students at OU, especially returning moms.
  • Women's Regulations - Housing handbook 1964-65

The Continuum Center

  • Continuing education for women

University newsletters
OU student newspapers


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Dominique Daniel
she / her