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Environmental Health & Safety

This guide pulls together key library resources to support the Environmental Health and Safety Management programs.


This guide is designed to point you to the major resources for Environmental Health and Safety Management available through the OU Libraries. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions.

Environmental health and safety is an interdisciplinary field, incorporating aspects of business, health sciences, and education.  For many topics you may need to search multiple databases in these areas to find relevant information.

  • Looking for books or background information? See the Library OneSearch box below.
  • Writing a paper or dissertation? Visit the Find Articles section.
  • Looking for help searching article databases? Contact me to schedule a research consultation or use Chat to work with a reference librarian 24/7.
  • Can't find a specific article or book? Use our free interlibrary loan service.

Library OneSearch - Start Here!

Start here ...

Use Library OneSearch - the OU Libraries' consolidated catalog - to find print and electronic books, book chapters, journals, articles, news items, and more!

Try a search like workplace safety program*, then use the "Source Type" filter option to limit your results to the specific type of item (e.g. book, article, etc.) you need.

Expert tip: Sign into your MyEBSCO account with your OU credentials prior to starting your search.


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Nancy Bulgarelli
she / her / hers
237 Kresge Library